
My journey with swift playgrounds

As we you can see by the title this is about swift playgrounds but not just any playground i am talking about course 1 lesson 3 task 7 FOR STASH SWEEP. One of my favorite lessons. In this code you have to use for loops to complete the task (For loops help you with repeating your code).I found this code a bit challenging but once you have the right code for your for loop then you basically have the whole code and then it is so easy. This code was so much fun to well code and thats why its one of my favorites. I hope that you will download swift playgrounds and play it for your self because it is so awesome.

Ek wil onthou...

My naam is Zoë. My gunsteling kleur is geel en ek hou daarvan om scrunchies geel van kleur maak te maak.ek en my beste maat, Michaela, luister graag na my gunsteling lied, “Old Town Road” . Die beste kos in die wêreld is avokadopeer op roosterbrood (dit is wat ek dink). Die sportwat ek elke dag speel, is krieket. Ek hou daarvan om “Series of Unfortunate Events” op televisie te kyk. As ek nie besig is om te leer nie, lees ek graag lMedal for Leroy” , al het ek dit alreeds gelees. Dit is my gunsteling boek. As ek ouer is,wil ek ‘n mariene bioloog wees. ‘n Paar mense vir wir ek regtig respek het, is my en my pa. Nou wwet jy meer van my. Een van my doelwitte is om ‘n skitterende krieketspeler te word. Krieket is my gunsteling sport en ek wil graag ver kom met krieket. Ek sal baie hRd werk en baie hard oefen. Nog ‘n droom wat ek het, is om Bali te besoek, omdat ek graag reis en ek van tropiese plekke hou. Ek sal probeer omnharder te werk op skool, sodat ek my ouers kan oorreed om bali t

Similies and Metaphors


Howard Carter Newspaper Article


Cyber-bulling Poster


a day living in an informal settlement

Hi my name is Sia, I am 11 years old and I am here to tell you about my life living in a informal settlement so let’s get started. Firstly,the worst thing when you are living in a informal settlement is how close our houses are to each other. I can’t even study after school because I can hear the conversation next door and our neighbor next door has a baby who cries a lot which is even worse. We also have no power at all it is so frustrating ,sometimes it’s so bad I have to sit under a lamppost  in the streets and study. I heard of these things called “ power in a bottle”,that would make our life so much easier ,even better would be an E-khaya shack I’ve heard all about. What else is so terrible at this moment is that one of my sisters has H.I.V which is not that uncommon here since there is so much rubbish everywhere. I don’t think she will get better but I am still hopeful. Today I was so happy because my dad brought a big loaf of bread home to our family, see you don’t get a lot o

Singing inspector

Good day fellow readers my name is Jesse, last week my friend iris Vaughen and I were in music class when suddenly the door of the class slammed open BANG! I then only realized that to day was inspector day ,the day That everyone feared even the teachers. It was an new inspector this year, and his name was Raymond (it sort of reminds me of a rat which he is) he was wearing huge I could even gigantic knickerbockers paired with thick stockings that were as white as snow! He had a round red face with eyes like blue gooseberries that made you shiver when you saw them he also had hair that was as golden as well I don’t know but it was the most curliest hair I have ever seen. Oh wish I was still a little kid they don’t do music class but there is two older boys ( Jack Long and Paulus) that also don't go to music class. The inspector ( or should I call Raymond the rat) said we must do that doh Ray me fah and tata tete things then he called up Benny and Charles and Mr rat king was pointing